
The New Stormwater Quality Manual: What You Should Know

September 26th, 2023 1:00 - 2:00PM

Presented by: Mary Looney & Dave Dickson, UConn CLEAR

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) has recently updated the 2004 Stormwater Quality Manual and plan to release the newly revised Manual this Fall. CT NEMO has teamed up with CT DEEP to help provide more information and insight into the revised Manual and what it means for you. To kick everything off, NEMO will be hosting an overview webinar, in which we’ll cover an overview and history of the Manual from 2004 to this new revision, the ‘big picture’ changes to expect, their impacts on the CT DEEP general stormwater permits and best management practices, potential impacts to local land use regulations, and guidance on using and navigating the manual.

Questions and Answers from the Webinar

Is this webinar being recorded? Can I watch it again another time?

Yes, these webinars are recorded. All our webinars are available at https://clear.uconn.edu/webinars by the end of the week. Any webinar in this Storwmater Quality Manual series will also be available on this page.

Is there a list of the changes in the Final Manual from the earlier Draft manual?

While there is not a list of changes between the two manuals, there is a Response to Comments document on DEEP's website which demonstrates the changes they made based on comments received.

Can a project or town adopt the manual voluntarily before March 2024?

Yes, you can adopt the manual requirements earlier than March 31, 2024.

Is there any requirement that local towns use this manual to inform their decisions?

If you are an MS4 regulated municipality, yes. There is a requirement per the MS4 permit which requires towns to adopt a legal authority for adopting the guidance of the Stormwater Quality Manual. For non-MS4 municipalities, it is not required, however it is highly recommended as any qualified construction taking place throughout the state will be under the Construction General Permit which follows the Stormwater Quality Manual.

Our regs say “Connecticut Stormwater Quality Manual, as amended”, does this need any revision to account for the new Manual?

We suggest you contact your town attorney just in case, but DEEP has said that 'as amended' or 'as revised' is acceptable in terms of updated regulations pertaining to this new Manual.

What qualifies as “pervious surface”?

A pervious surface is a surface that allows for infiltration, such as grass, soil, or pervious green stormwater infrastructure practice. More guidance on this can be found in Chapter 5.

Is there a calculation equation for the WQV?

Yes, the calculations for Water Quality Volume are located within Chapter 4.

What is the filing requirement for DEEP’s Construction Activity General Permit, 1 acre or 5 acres of disturbance?

For locally exempt (i.e. state, fed, solar projects) the threshold is 1 acre. For locally approval (most private development projects) the threshold is 5 acres as long as they get an approval from a local land use commission.

Does DEEP do any inspections of sites?

DEEP has a regular construction inspection program and performs random inspections and also inspections in response to complaints.

Who do we contact with a complaint?

Complaints can be submitted to the Stormwater program at DEEP.StormwaterStaff@ct.gov

Will the new manual have any more specific guidance on infiltrating in an aquifer protection area and wetlands? Or that is up to each Town/Conservation Commission?

Chapter 10 includes guidance regarding infiltration near aquifer protection areas.

Does CT DEEP maintain an approved list of proprietary stormwater products, e.g. for water quality filtration media?

Yes, information on proprietary stormwater products can be found in Chapter 11.

Are pollutants such as gas and oil from paved areas addressed?

Chapter 13 dives into the capabilities of each function group of BMPs to help find which structural practices would best assist in addressing specific pollutants.

Is having a detention basin or underground storage system complying with the MS4 DCIA disconnection requirement since the WQV is held and/or treated?

The WQV must be REtained (stored and/or infiltrated) and not merely DEtained and released gradually.

Are there any generic training programs for the MS4 permit available?

The NEMO MS4 Guide is the main 'training guide' that we offer for towns. It is a website which breakdowns the requirements of the permit and provides resources and webinars. It can be found here: nemo.uconn.edu/ms4. In terms of the specific MS4 requirement for providing training to staff, we have links to various training videos which can guide you. Those can be found here: https://nemo.uconn.edu/ms4/tools/training-materials/

When will the Guidelines for Soil Erosion andd Sediment Control be updated and re-issued?

The Guidelines for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control will be released on Saturday, Sept. 30th and will follow the same timeline as the Stormwater Quality Manual.

The LID Process

January 22nd, 2023 1:00 - 2:00PM

Presented by: Mary Looney & Dave Dickson, UConn CLEAR

This is the second webinar of the Stormwater Quality Manual Webinar Series on the newly released Connecticut Manual. CT NEMO has teamed up with CT DEEP to help provide more information and insight into the revised Manual and what it means for you. This webinar, The Low Impact Development Process, highlights how the Manual offers a pathway to stormwater management design from non-structural to structural practices.

An Update on Stormwater Management in CT

February 27th, 2023 12:00 - 1:00PM

Presented by: Mary Looney & Dave Dickson, UConn CLEAR; Kathleen Knight, Chris Stone, & Nicole Kibbe, CT DEEP; Victor Benni, North Branford

This webinar is the final one of our CT Stormwater Quality Manual: An Update on Stormwater Management in CT. Stormwater management and its impact on our water bodies and communities have received a lot of attention and support in recent years. With a revised MS4 permit in 2017, revised construction, commercial, and industrial stormwater permits,  and a new Stormwater Quality Manual going into effect in March, there has been a move to use lower impact approaches to stormwater management. This webinar will cover takeaways, challenges, and opportunities from this approach. What is working, what is a work in progress, and what is coming? Presented as a collaboration between CT DEEP and UConn CLEAR and featuring Victor Benni of the North Branford Public Works Department.